FilmLocos at St. Gabriel’s College

This third London screening (for now) took place at St. Gabriel’s College in Camberwell, London. 

Over 140 people attended the event, including people from the Latin Community, press, actors and filmmakers, college students, members of cast and crew, press, actors, filmmakers, the Brazilian consulate, and the Dominican Republic and Bolivian embassy. 

It was more than a film screening. It was a celebration of Latin American culture and young people being inspired and wanting to take part in a creative endeavour.

Our very own Sammy Attalah did an outstanding job as compere of the evening, introducing every event and keeping everyone engaged throughout the evening.

Mr Nick Butler Butler, MBA, Principal of St. Gabriel’s College, introduced the event giving everyone a warm welcome to the evening, which worked quite well with Ms Claudia López’s speech. Ms López, EAL teacher and Raising Advisor Coordinator at St. Gabriel’s College, spoke about the diversity in the school, including over 20 Latinamerican students, and how important it was for them to collaborate with Film Locos as part of the Latin American Shorts: S1. 

“I strongly believe that children need to see themselves represented in the media. Children pay close attention to the types of characters they see in their favourite books and TV shows. For this reason, it’s especially important that children see themselves portrayed in the media they consume.”

Ms Claudia López. (EAL Teacher and Raising Advisor Coordinator at St. Gabriel’s College, London.)

The short Closer than Ever, written by Santiago del Fosco and directed by Víctor Ríos, part of the Latin American Shorts: S1, was shot at St. Gabriel’s College and counted with some performances of the students of Latinamerican background.  

In her speech, Ms López mentioned the importance for Latinamerican children to see themselves represented in the media, on and off-screen;  How working with Film Locos served as inspiration for her students to understand that it is possible to achieve everything they dream in life. 

Then it followed with a dance by the Caporales group Centralistas San Miguel, presenting this beautiful and colourful dance from Bolivia, and a Cumbia dance from Colombia by students from year 10 of the college itself. 

Then we went to the main event. The films were introduced by the director each one, in the following order:

  • Hands On, directed by the Brazilian Raquel Arraes
  • Over a Bottle of Rosé, directed by New Zealander Cortney Stowers 
  • Closer Than Ever, directed by Bolivian Victor Rios

In between films, the audience had the opportunity to take pictures in front of the Film Locos banner, network and enjoy the delicious snacks and drinks provided by the school. 

  • You’re Just My Type, directed by Peruvian Mauro Pedretti 
  • Pretty Fly for a Doña, directed by Dominican Karlina Veras
  • The One in the Mirror, directed by Brazilian Rauni Barros da Silva

We also counted with the presence of Indigenous Ecuadorian artist Carlos Gualo who created beautiful paintings on the spot and sold them, donating part of his profits to Film Locos, this way helping our cause to create more content and share our culture with the world.

Once again, we had the pleasure to work with the talented Brazilian event planner, Sandra Griffiths Events, who kindly offered to decorate the hall for us with colourful balloons and posters.

We had to end the party bang on at 6.30 pm, but we carried on at the local pub The Golden Goose where enthusiasts in film, art and culture carried on the conversation.

Special shouts to Maria Camila (Photographer), Kevin J. Arias (Filmmaker), Andrew Lunn (Photographer)

This was a very successful event, which made it more apparent to us the importance of all the work we are doing of bringing opportunities and sharing the Latin culture within the UK entertainment industry. The creation and sharing of these shorts are just the beginning. Please stay tuned for more as we create more events to show all the work we do towards the Latinamerican community within the UK. For more information, follow us on all socials @filmlocos.

Photos by Maria Camilla photography, Andrew Lunn Photography

Written article by: Karlina Veras